A person tin transmit HIV through blood, semen, and breast milk. However, HIV cannot survive in saliva, and then there is no risk of contracting HIV through kissing.

HIV is a virus that weakens the allowed system, which can leave the body vulnerable to infections and diseases.

A person can transmit HIV through sure actual fluids, such as claret, semen, and breast milk. HIV cannot survive in other body fluids, such as saliva, tears, or sweat unless blood containing HIV is likewise present.

This means that people are not at chance of contracting the virus if they osculation someone who has HIV.

This article will debunk the myth that people tin contract HIV through kissing. We also talk over how HIV is and is not transmitted.

Gay or LGBT couple in kitchen kissing.
A person cannot transmit HIV through saliva or kissing.

A person cannot transmit HIV through kissing considering the virus is non present in saliva.

HIV tin can enter the body through damaged areas in the mucous membranes lining the vagina and the rectum. The mouth also contains mucous membranes, but they do non incorporate cells that are vulnerable to HIV, such as those present in the vagina and rectum.

Saliva contains several proteins and enzymes that serve many different functions, such as beginning the digestion process, assisting in mouth lubrication, and even fighting off germs.

Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) is an enzyme present in saliva, fungus, and seminal fluid. SLPI prevents HIV from infecting monocytes and T cells, which are types of white blood jail cell and part of the immune arrangement.

Saliva contains much higher concentrations of SLPI than vaginal and rectal fluids. This may explain why HIV is mostly nowadays in body fluids other than saliva.

Kissing a person living with HIV will not put someone at hazard of contracting HIV. According to the Centers for Affliction Control (CDC), a person cannot transmit HIV through saliva or closed-mouth kissing.

However, the CDC also state that in extremely rare cases, a person can transmit HIV through "deep, open up-mouth kissing if both partners accept sores or bleeding gums and blood from the HIV-positive partner gets into the bloodstream of the HIV-negative partner."

The merely way a person can contract HIV is through direct contact with body fluids that contain HIV. Body fluids that contain HIV can include:

  • claret
  • semen
  • pre-seminal fluid
  • rectal fluids
  • vaginal fluids
  • chest milk

Below, we discuss the main modes of HIV transmission:

Sexual manual

HIV transmission can occur during anal or vaginal sex without the use of a condom. There take been cases of HIV transmission through oral sex but the take chances of this extremely depression.

HIV transmission during sexual activity occurs when trunk fluids containing HIV come into straight contact with mucous membranes or damaged tissue. Anal sex activity has a higher run a risk of HIV transmission than vaginal sexual activity because the tissues that line the anus are more than prone to damage and bleeding.

It is important to notation that effective HIV treatment tin can reduce a person'south viral load to undetectable levels. This means that people who are taking HIV medications correctly and achieve and maintain an undetectable viral load have finer no risk of transmitting HIV through sex.


A person tin contract HIV through using needles or syringes in which HIV is present. According to the CDC, HIV tin live in a used needle for up to 42 days. This is why information technology is best to avoid sharing needles with anyone.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

A woman can pass on HIV to a fetus during pregnancy, birth, or breastfeeding. Still, HIV treatment significantly lowers the take a chance of transmitting HIV to the baby.

According to the Globe Wellness Organization (WHO), female parent-to-child transmission rates range from fifteen to 45 per centum in the absence of any intervention. However, effective HIV handling during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and breastfeeding can reduce the run a risk of transmission to less than 5 pct.

Women sitting across table holding hands and laughing
Near kinds of concrete contact, including property easily and hugging, do not cause manual of HIV.

HIV cannot survive long outside of the human trunk. This means that people cannot contract HIV from touching objects or surfaces that a person living with HIV handles.

Nor can someone transmit HIV through holding easily, hugging, or touching other people. It is of import to recollect that HIV manual requires an substitution of trunk fluids that contain HIV.

HIV transmission tin can also not occur through:

  • air or h2o
  • mosquitoes, ticks, or other insects
  • saliva, tears, or sweat, unless they also incorporate blood from a person living with HIV
  • scratching, biting
  • coincidental contact, such equally hugging, shaking hands, or kissing
  • mutual masturbation
  • sharing food or drinks
  • sharing toilet seats, dishes, or other objects

There are no known cases of anyone contracting HIV from a tattoo or torso piercings. However, it is possible to contract HIV from a reused needle or improperly sanitized equipment.

Many unfounded myths surround the transmission of HIV. Withal, a person tin can only transmit HIV through certain trunk fluids that contain HIV, such as claret, semen, and breast milk.

HIV cannot survive exterior the body and is non present in other trunk fluids such every bit saliva, tears, or sweat. This means that a person cannot contract HIV through kissing, touching, hugging, or sharing toilet seats, foods, or drinks with someone living with HIV.

The master style of HIV manual is through vaginal or anal sexual activity without a condom. However, people who are taking HIV medications correctly and achieve and maintain an undetectable viral load have effectively no run a risk of transmitting HIV through sexual practice.

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